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Electrical engineering

  • Category: Uncategorised
  • Last Updated: Sunday, 29 November 2020 09:27
  • Published: Sunday, 29 November 2020 09:24
  • Written by Super Utilisateur
  • Hits: 1549
  • 29 Nov

The Department of Electrical Engineering is a structure of the Faculty of Technology. It brings together the Electrical Engineering branch of the science and technology field. With 62 teachers including 06 professors, 12 lecturers A, 23 lecturers B, 16 assistant lecturers A and 05 assistant lecturers B, the Department of Electrical Engineering issues, in accordance with the LMD system, Bachelor and Master degrees and Doctorate.

The Department of Electrical Engineering has approximately 1067 students.

distributed in:

05 license course:

Electrical engineering
Biomedical genius

09 master's course:

Industrial electrical engineering
Electric controls
Electrical networks
Automatic and Systems
Automatic and informatic industrial
Electronics of embedded systems
Telecommunications Systems
Biomedical instrumentation

And 03 Doctorate

Signal processing and biomedical engineering
Applied electrical engineering


Budget Consultations

Catalog of Books Online

Digital Space

Research area