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مختبرات الكلية

استشارة الميزانية

المراسلة المهنية

vice dean post graduation

  • المجموعة: Uncategorised
  • حدث بتاريخ: الأحد، 29 كانون2/يناير 2023 12:55
  • نشر بتاريخ: الخميس، 26 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2020 10:06
  • كتب بواسطة: Super Utilisateur
  • الزيارات: 1621
  • 26 تشرين2

Vice Deans: -Vice-Dean in charge of Post-Graduation, Scientific Research and External Relations.

Vice-Dean: Dr Ramdane Adel (Senior Lecturer A)

Missions of the Vice Dean:

  • Monitor the progress of the post-graduation entrance exams;
  • Take or propose the necessary measures to ensure the functioning of post-graduation training;
  • Ensure the progress of the defense of theses and post-graduation theses;
  • Monitor the progress of scientific research activities; Initiate partnership actions with socio-economic sectors;
  • Initiate actions to boost and strengthen national and international interuniversity cooperation;.
  • Implement teacher development and retraining programs;
  • Monitor the functioning of the scientific council of the faculty and keep its archives.


Secretariat: FRIKAH Nadia

Post-Graduation Training Monitoring Service: AIEB Fatima, BETTINE Fatima

Internship Service: BOUDAKHANA Fairouz

Cooperation and External Relations Department: Bouaffar Soufiane

فهرس كتب على الإنترنت

الفضاء الرقمي

فضاء البحث العلمي

الانضمام إلى الفيسبوك
