Mechanical Engineering
- المجموعة: Uncategorised
- حدث بتاريخ: الأحد، 29 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2020 09:31
- نشر بتاريخ: الأحد، 29 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2020 09:31
- كتب بواسطة: Super Utilisateur
- الزيارات: 1768
- طباعة
- 29 تشرين2
The Department of Mechanical Engineering is a structure of the Faculty of Technology. It brings together the three fields of Mechanical Engineering Industrial and Electromechanical Engineering in the science and technology field. With 56 teachers including 04 professors, 03 lecturers A, 17 lecturers B, 26 assistant lecturers A and 05 assistant lecturers B, and 01 Assistant, the Department of Mechanical Engineering issues, in accordance with the LMD system, License degrees , Master and Doctorate.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering has approximately 813 students.
distributed in:
06 license course:
Industrial maintenance
Mechanical construction
Materials Engineering
Industrial Engineering
09 master's course:
Industrial maintenance
Mechanical construction
Mechanical and Production Manufacturing
Materials Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Renewable Energies in Electrical Engineering
And 02 Doctorate
Industrial mechanization
Energy System